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Anadama bread / Pão de Anadama

The anecdote behind this bread is so good that is worth while telling about. The bread dates back from colonial times. The story goes that an irritable New England woods-man had a wife by the name of Anna, who fed him nothing but corn meal and molasses mush for supper. One evening, having had more than he could take, he grabbed some flour and yeast off the shelf, mixed it into the mush and put it in the oven to bake muttering "Anna, damn her" over and over again. Thus the name "anadama" came about.
This traditional New England bread is made a mixture of white and wholemeal flours and polenta, which is a coarse corn meal. The molasses sweetens the bread and gives it a rich colour.

To make a large loaf
280 ml lukewarm water
5 tbsp molasses
2 tsp lemon juice
500 g white bread flour
90 g wholemeal bread flour
75 g polenta
2 tsp salt
50 g butter
2 tsp easy-blend (rapid-rise) dried yeast

1 Pour the water, molasses and lemon juice into the bread machine pan.
2 Sprinkle over both types of flour, then the polenta, so that the water is completely covered. Add the salt and butter in separate corners of the bread pan. Make a small indent in the centre of the flour and add the yeast.
3 Set the machine to basic/normal setting, medium crust. Press Start.
4 Remove the bread at the end of the baking cycle and turn out on to a wire rack to cool.

O pão de Anadama é tradicional da Nova Inglaterra e é feito com a mistura de farinha de trigo, farinha integral e farinha de milho (polenta). O melaço vai adoçar e fazer com a codêa deste pão fique bem douradinha.

Para fazer um pão grande
280 ml de água morna
5 colheres de sopa de melaço
2 colheres de chá de sumo de limão
500 grs de farinha de trigo
90 grs de farinha integral
75 grs de farinha de milho
2 colheres de chá de sal
50 grs de manteiga
2 colheres de chá de fermento em pó

1 Coloque a água na cuba da máquina juntamente com o melaço e o sumo de limão.
2 A seguir adicione a farinha de trigo a integral e a de milho. Adicione o sal e a manteiga em cantinhos separados, no meio coloque o fermento.
3 Programe a máquina para básico/normal, codêa média.
4 Ao final de ciclo de cozedura retire o pão da cuba e deixe arrefeçer.

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La casita de Mar said...

¡Que rico se ve Ana! me encanta el colorcito y la historia que has contado, felicidades por la receta, besitos.

Maria Maia said...

Ana acabei de tirar este pão da minha maquina...e barrei com manteiga...que pecado de bom.
Adorei muito obrigado pela partilha.

Hilmar said...

Me encanta esta versión! Realmente es un pan muy rico.
un besito,

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