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Gravadlax with chives pancakes / Salmão fumado com panquecas de cebolinho

Ready in 30 minutes
Serves 6
For the Gravadlax sauce
2tbsp wholegrain mustard
100ml olive oil
juice 1 lemon
For the Pancakes
4 eggs, beaten
140g plain flour
250ml milk
handful chives,chopped
vegetables oil to cook
To Serve
6 handfuls mixed salad leaves
12 slices of gravadlax
1 lemon, finely sliced
handful chives, halved
1 To make the dressing: place the wholegrain mustard in a bowl, then using a whisk, add the olive oil slowly. Add a squeeze of lemon, season to taste, then set aside.
2 To make the pancake mixture, mix together the eggs, flour, milk and chopped chives until smooth. Season with pepper and salt, if you want.
3 Heat a medium non-stick frying pan over a highish heat. Using a piece of kitchen paper wipe the pan with some vegetable oil. Pour a ladleful of the pancake batter into the pan and swirl to cover the base. Cook for about 1 min, then flip, cook for 30 secs more, remove and place on greaseproof paper. Repeat until you`ve made all six pancakes, then set aside.
4 To serve, arrange handfuls of salad leaves in piles on the side of each six plates. Fold the pancakes into four and sit next to the leaves. Loosely drape two slices of salmon over the leaves and pancakes. Tuck two slices of lemon and a few chives under the salmon, then drizzle the mustard dressing over everything and serve.

Make ahead: Once the pancakes re made for this easy starter, it`s just a matter of assembling the plates. The pancake batter will make more than you need, but it will keep well in the fridge and the savoury pancakes make a delicious breakfast for another day.

Preparação 30 minutos
Para 6 pessoas
Para o molho do gravadlax
2 colheres de sopa de mustarda em grão
100 ml de azeite de oliva
sumo de 1 limão
Para as panquecas
4 ovos, batidos
140 grs de farinha sem fermento
250 ml de leite
cebolinho, picado
óleo vegetal, para cozinhar
Para Servir
6 mãos cheias de salada
12 fatias de gravadlax ou salmão fumado
1 limão, cortado ás rodelas finas
chebolinho para decorar
1 Faça a molho para o salmão, coloque a mustarda numa taça e bata com o azeite de oliva, adiciona um fiozinho de sumo de limão e tempere com sal e pimenta.
2 Faça massa para as panquecas, bata os ovos, a farinha, o leite e o cebolinho picado e tempera com sal e pimenta se desejar.
3 Faça as 6 pancakes, unte uma frigideira pequena com óleo vegetal. A massa que fez para as panquecas dá-lhe para fazer 10 panquecas.
4 Coloque a salada em pratinho individuais, dobre em 4 cada pancaqueca e coloque no prato junto á salada e sirva juntamente com 2 fatias de gravadlax. Regue com o molho feito com a mustarda em grão.

Saiba que: Gravadlax, é um prato Escandinavo de salmão cru curado e cortado ás fatias muito finas, servido tradicionalmente com molho de mustarda e endro ou aneto.


Angela Oeiras said...

Super originais... a combinação do cebolinho nas panquecas deve ser optima... outra receita a experimentar!

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