Sweet chestnuts and chocolate make a heavenly combination at Christmas time
Makes 18
435g can chestnut purée
6 eggs
175g/6oz golden caster sugar
200g/7oz ground almonds
1 tsp baking powder
For the topping
200g/7oz dark chocolate
generous knob of butter
400ml double cream
4 tbsp cornflour
chocolate curls
icing sugar, cocoa and edible gold stars
1 Line one and a half muffin trays with 18 muffin cases. Heat oven to 180ºC/Gas 4. Tip the chestnut purée into a large bowl and mash with a fork. Whisk the eggs and sugar with an electric hand whisk until pale and frothy.
2 Fold half the egg mixture into the chestnut mixture to lighten it, then fold in the almonds and baking powder. Gently fold in the rest of the egg, then drop the batter into the muffin cases. Bake for 20-25 minutes until firm.
3 To make the chocolate topping, gently melt the chocolate, butter and cream together in a small pan. To thicken the chocolate mixture, dissolve the cornflour in a bit of cold water and add it to the hot chocolate mixture and beat well to thicken. Pour into a bowl and leave to cool, then swirl onto the cupcakes and pile
with chocolate curls. Dust with icing sugar, cocoa and the the gold stars. Keep it in the fridge.
Makes 18
435g can chestnut purée
6 eggs
175g/6oz golden caster sugar
200g/7oz ground almonds
1 tsp baking powder
For the topping
200g/7oz dark chocolate
generous knob of butter
400ml double cream
4 tbsp cornflour
chocolate curls
icing sugar, cocoa and edible gold stars
1 Line one and a half muffin trays with 18 muffin cases. Heat oven to 180ºC/Gas 4. Tip the chestnut purée into a large bowl and mash with a fork. Whisk the eggs and sugar with an electric hand whisk until pale and frothy.
2 Fold half the egg mixture into the chestnut mixture to lighten it, then fold in the almonds and baking powder. Gently fold in the rest of the egg, then drop the batter into the muffin cases. Bake for 20-25 minutes until firm.
3 To make the chocolate topping, gently melt the chocolate, butter and cream together in a small pan. To thicken the chocolate mixture, dissolve the cornflour in a bit of cold water and add it to the hot chocolate mixture and beat well to thicken. Pour into a bowl and leave to cool, then swirl onto the cupcakes and pile
with chocolate curls. Dust with icing sugar, cocoa and the the gold stars. Keep it in the fridge.
Castanhas e chocolate fazem uma combinação perfeita para a época do Natal
Quantidade 18
435g de puré de castanhas, enlatado
6 ovos
175g de açúcar refinado
200g de amêndoas em pó
1 c. de chá de fermento em pó
Para a cobertura
200g de chocolate preto para culinária
1 c.de sopa bem cheia de manteiga
400ml natas com teor de gordura alta
4 c. de sopa de maizena
raspas de chocolate
açúcar glacê, cacau e estrelas comestíveis douradas
1 Forrar duas formas para cupcakes com 18 forminhas de papel. Pre-aqueça o forno a 180ºC/Gás 4. Coloque o puré de castanha numa tigela e amasse com um garfo. Bata os ovos e o açúcar com um batedor elétrico até obtêr um creme espumoso.
2 Adicione metade da mistura de açucar e ovos ás castanhas, depois adicione as amêndoas e o fermento. Adicione a restante mistura de ovos e açucar ao pure de castanhas. Coloque a mssa dos cupcakes nas forminhas de papel e asse durante 20-25 minutos ou até ficarem firmes.
3 Para a cobertura de chocolate, derreta o chocolate, manteiga e natas numa panela pequena. Para engrossar a mistura de chocolate, dissolver a maisena num pouco de água fria e adicione à mistura de chocolate quente, misture bem até engrossar. Coloque a cobertura de chocolate numa tigela e deixe arrefecer. Decore os cupcakes com a cobertura de chocolate e as raspas de chocolate. Polvilhe com açúcar glacê, cacau e as estrelas douradas. Mantê-los no frigorifico.
Chocolate y castañas hacen la combinación perfecta para la temporada de Navidad
Cantidad 18
1 lata de 435g de puré de castañas
6 huevos
175g de azúcar glaseado
200 g de almendras en polvo
1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear
Para la cobertura
200g de chocolate negro para cocinar
1 cucharada de mantequilla, bien llena
400 ml de nata para cocinar con alto contenido de grasa
4 cucharadas de maizena
chocolate rallado
azúcar glaseado, cacao y estrellitas doradas comestibles
1 Se prepara el molde de las magdalenas con los papelitos rizados. Precaliente el horno a 180ºC/Gas 4. Ponga el puré de castañas en un recipiente y amaasar con un tenedor. Bata los huevos y el azúcar con una batidora eléctrica hasta que la mezcla quede espumosa.
2 Añadir la mitad de la mezcla espumosa de azúcar y huevos al puré de castañas, a continuación, añadir las almendras y el polvo de hornear. Añadir la restante mezcla de huevo y azúcar al puré de castañas. Se rellenan los papelitos rizados con la masa. Hornear durante 20-25 minutos o hasta que estén firmes.
3 Para hacer la cobertura de chocolate, derrita el chocolate, la mantequilla y la nata en una cacerola pequeña. Para espesar la mezcla de chocolate, disuelva la maizena en un poco de agua fría y añadir a la mezcla de chocolate caliente, revolver hasta que espese. Coloque el chocolate en un bol y dejar enfriar. Adornar los cupcakes con la cobertura de chocolate y el chocolate rallado. Espolvorear con azúcar glaseado, cacao y las estrellitas doradas. Mantener refrigeradas.