This is a really clever recipe for chocolate brownies, which uses blended stewed prunes and contains no butter, so works out relatively low in fat and calories.
I am submitting this recipe to be included in Alquimia de Ingredientes
175 g ready to eat prunes, stoned
100 g dark plain chocolate
2 medium egg whites
2 medium egg
3 tbsp cocoa powder, sifted
200 g plain flour
150 g golden caster sugar
a pinch of salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
200 g pitted morello cherries in syrup, drained well
fresh cherries with stems on, to decorate
1 Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas mark 4.
2 Grease and line the base of a 20 cm-square cake tin with baking parchment.
3 Place the prunes in a saucepan with 100 ml water and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes until softened and all but 2 tbsp of the liquid has evaporated.
4 Meanwhile, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and set it over the pan containing the prunes until the chocolate has melted. Then, transfer the prunes to a food processor and blend until you have a smooth purée.
5 In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks, then set aside. Spoon the prune purée into a mixing bowl and beat in the whole eggs, the 2 egg yolks cocoa, flour, sugar, salt, chocolate, baking powder and vanilla bean paste. Fold in the egg whites, followed by the cherries. Then top with whole cherries.
6 Bake on the centre shelf for 15 minutes or until it feels firm to the touch.
I am submitting this recipe to be included in Alquimia de Ingredientes
175 g ready to eat prunes, stoned
100 g dark plain chocolate
2 medium egg whites
2 medium egg
3 tbsp cocoa powder, sifted
200 g plain flour
150 g golden caster sugar
a pinch of salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
200 g pitted morello cherries in syrup, drained well
fresh cherries with stems on, to decorate
1 Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas mark 4.
2 Grease and line the base of a 20 cm-square cake tin with baking parchment.
3 Place the prunes in a saucepan with 100 ml water and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes until softened and all but 2 tbsp of the liquid has evaporated.
4 Meanwhile, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and set it over the pan containing the prunes until the chocolate has melted. Then, transfer the prunes to a food processor and blend until you have a smooth purée.
5 In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks, then set aside. Spoon the prune purée into a mixing bowl and beat in the whole eggs, the 2 egg yolks cocoa, flour, sugar, salt, chocolate, baking powder and vanilla bean paste. Fold in the egg whites, followed by the cherries. Then top with whole cherries.
6 Bake on the centre shelf for 15 minutes or until it feels firm to the touch.
Esta é uma receita bem diferente de brownies de chocolate, que utiliza passas de ameixas secas e não contém manteiga. Uns brownies bem deliciosos, baixos em calorias e gordura.
Com esta receita participo no passatempo do Alquimia de Ingredientes
175 g de passas de ameixas secas, sem caroço
100 g de chocolate preto
2 claras de ovos
2 ovos
3 sopa de cacau em pó, peneirado
200 g de farinha de milho para bolos, sem fermento
150 g de açúcar amarelo refinado
uma pitada de sal
1 c. de chá de fermento em pó
1 c. de chá de pasta de feijão de baunilha
200 g cerejas em calda, de compra e bem escorridas
cerejas com pé, para decorar
1 Pré-aqueça o forno a 180°C/Gás 4.
2 Prepare um molde rectangular ou quadrado com 20 cm.
3 Coloque as ameixas numa panela pequena com 100 ml de água e cozinhe em fogo baixo durante 10 minutos.
4 Derreta o chocolate em banho maria. Depois coloque as ameixas mais a água das ameixas num processador de alimentos e triture tudo bem, até obter um purê liso.
5 Noutra tigela, bata as claras em castelo, reservar. Numa tigela grande, coloque o purê de ameixas, adicione os ovos, gemas dos outros dois ovos, cacau, farinha, açúcar mascavo, sal, chocolate, fermento em pó e pasta de feijão de baunilha. Bata tudo bem, adicione as claras em castelo e as cerejas em calda bem escorridas. Coloque a massa na forma, adicione as cerejas por cima da massa.
6 Asse no forno durante 15 minutos.
Esta es una receta un poco diferente de los tan conocidos brownies de chocolate. Utiliza pasas de ciruelas y no contiene mantequilla. Bien deliciosos, bajos en calorías y grasa.
Con esta receta participo en el pasatiempo de Alquimia de Ingredientes
175 g de pasas de ciruelas, sin semilla
100 g de chocolate negro
2 claras de huevo
2 huevos
3 cucharadas de cacao en polvo, cernida
200 g de harina para pastel, sin levadura
150 g de azúcar morena
una pizca de sal
1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear
1 cucharadita de pasta de vainilla
200 g de cerezas en almíbar, bien esccurridas
cerezas para adornar
1 Precaliente el horno a 180°C/Gas 4.
2 Preparar un molde cuadrado o rectangular de 20 cm.
3 Coloque las pasas de ciruelas en una cacerola pequeña con 100 ml de agua y cocine a fuego lento durante 10 minutos.
4 Derrita el chocolate al baño María. A continuación, coloque las ciruelas y la agua de coción en un procesador de alimentos y mezcle hasta obtener un puré suave.
5 En otro tazón, monte las claras de huevo, reservar. En otro tazón, coloque el puré de ciruelas, añadir los huevos, las yemas de los otros dos huevos, cacao, harina, azúcar morena, sal, chocolate, polvo de hornear y la pasta de vainilla. Batir todo bien, añadir las claras montadas y las cerezas en almíbar. Ponga la masa en fuente para pasteles y adornar con las cerezas.
6 Hornear durante 15 minutos.